Construction Under Way on Long Canyon Road Repaving in Desert Edge Community Next to Desert Hot Springs
February 27, 2024
DESERT EDGE – A county road repair project started last week on Long Canyon Road, a road that runs along the unincorporated community of Desert Edge near the City of Desert Hot Springs city limits.
The county transportation project will repave an approximate 1.5-mile segment of Long Canyon Road in Desert Edge. The road is also one of the routes used by motorists going to the east side of the City of Desert Hot Springs.
The Riverside County Board of Supervisors approved a contract for Matich Corporation of San Bernardino to do the construction work. The Riverside County Transportation Department project is expected to take approximately two months to complete.
“This project improves a road not only used by residents of Desert Edge, but also to access Desert Hot Springs,” said Supervisor V. Manuel Perez. “It will give a better and safer road to drive on, helping people drive to work, take their children to school and go to local businesses. This is an investment into fixing our roads and improving our infrastructure.”
The Long Canyon Road Resurfacing Project will resurface Long Canyon Road from Dillon Road to Hacienda Avenue, replacing deteriorated pavement with new hot mix asphalt.
Additional improvements include construction of a concrete dip section where an ephemeral stream crosses the road, placement of safety edge and shoulder backing among several safety features, and reconstruction of driveways.
The total budget for the project is $2.659 million, and is funded with the county’s gas tax and SB 1 transportation funds. Approximately $7,000 will be reimbursed by the Mission Springs Water District for work to their utilities.
While construction will be phased to keep the road open as much as possible, full closure of Long Canyon Road will be needed for one weekend (late Friday afternoon to early Monday morning) to complete the construction of the concrete dip section. When that closure occurs, through traffic and residential access will be provided by way of alternate detour route.
Supervisor V. Manuel Perez represents the Fourth Supervisorial District on the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. The largest district in the county by geography, the 4th District covers eastern Riverside County, from Whitewater, stretching across the entire Coachella Valley south to the Salton Sea, up Highway 74 to Idyllwild and the mountain communities, and heading east of the Coachella Valley to Blythe and the Colorado River.
Supervisor Perez’s office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.